Yctlan Jungle

The Jungle

At the northern end of Xuc’tor lies a dense and dangerous jungle, known as Yctlan. The trees in this area are thick and hugely tall, with large leaves and colorful bark, vibrant leaves, and fruits the size of livestock.  Due to the size of the plant life in this area, the oxygen content is much higher than in other areas of the world around Embris.  This has caused an evolutionary shift in the creatures that grow here; causing the animals that are native to this portion of the world to be subsequently larger as well. The jungle is segmented into three areas, the western valley that lies between the rivers and mountains, north-central islet that lies between two rivers, and the eastern savage lands.

In the North-Central is a Jungle City named Genursh’k that was settled by a large race of beings known as Goliaths. These goliaths resemble humans closely except for their large size and thick stony skin. They live in the city harmoniously with several other species, a large portion of which are beastial humanoids such as Tortles, Leonin, Lizardfok, Yaun-ti, and Loxodons. There is also a good population of Dragonborn, and even regular humans living in the jungle. 

The eastern portion of the jungle is the wildest and most treacherous for travelers. Enormous beasts called Dinosaurs roam this area. Both carnivorous and herbivorous, though even the plant-eaters are dangerous to the unwary. The western portion of the jungle has been cared for by the people of Genursh’k, who’ve cultivated a large percentage of the fruit-bearing trees and bushes and implemented irrigated farming throughout the valley. The jungle is still an unsafe place, but it carries far fewer dangers than the eastern savage lands.

Travelers to the deeper portions of the savage wilds where the thick canopy of trees blocks the light from reaching the forest floor whisper rumors of dangers far beyond enormous lizards. They claim the plants themselves hungers for the flesh of stray wanderers and warn all who will listen to be wary of whistling on the wind. 

Recently the empress of Genursh’k has expanded the city-state's influence of the Yctan jungle, establishing two smaller sister cities. Ba`khari is a port located west of Genursh’k, where the mouth of the river meets the gulf. To the east, Milimani'k is a settlement where the river meets the foot of the mountains where they have begun mining them for valuable resources. Working alongside the people of Ganady, a mountain pass to Ocean’s Edge has been created connecting the people of the jungle to Elham’s Trench. Genursh’k has seen great economic prosperity in recent centuries thanks to the increase in trade the sister cities have brought.