Sonea-Paix, the Provider


The seasons change, everything must. Sonea-Paix most often appears as an aging and wrinkled woman with skin brown as the bark of a tree. Her hair is composed of the colored leaves of fall, which seem to be constantly and slowly falling off without regrowing. Sonea-Paix is one of the eldest of the major gods, having been around as long as nature has grown on the Material plane. She has seen mankind at its best and at its worst, and knows that nothing of theirs' will last forever. Many of those who follow her and receive her blessing find themselves gifted with the resources and tools to help their fellow people. While she knows all will change and not for the better at all times, she still knows that eventually things will change for the better and wants to help mortal-kind to see that through her gifts, through the beauty of nature, both in its life and its death. Many of her followers watch over nature throughout its cycle and keep watch over the natural world as well as the civilized world around it. 

Sonea-Paix is the goddess of the growth of nature, the harvest, plenty, and change. Her followers sometimes disagree with the followers of Airdruuma as they feel that following cycles and repetition forever loses the value of things changing and growing for the better.


“The man fell, jumping out of his home in an attempt to flee from the fires behind him. Turning back he saw the cabin of wood he had spent years building and establishing engulfed in flames, all because of one candle he had knocked over.

He cried out in anguish as the central pillar crumbled to ashes and cinder, feeling as if a part of him had died with his home. As he lay there crying, he felt a nuzzle against his shoulder. Looking up, a fox was standing over him, it moved its head as if beckoning him forward. He stood up, confused as could be. The fox began walking off into the forest and the man looked back at the ruins of his home. He sighed and followed the fox forward into the woods, trying to keep up through the dense brush.

Eventually he came to a clearing, where he saw a house being built by a woman. He looked around, while the fox was nowhere to be found. The man walked forward and greeted the woman, who offered the man a place in her home should he be willing to help her build it. The trees watched and listened as the two grew together, changing and building a family. For as one door closed for the man, many more opened.”