Elemental Plane of Earth
“A sea of stone, rock and dirt, can anyone see any landmarks?”
- Kevin
The Plane
Folding itself over itself this Plane has a few lovely curiosities about it. One major thing is that you can’t tell which side is the top or bottom layer as the gravity pulls you down to the nearest surface.
The Rift of the Autumn Stones
During Autumn/Fall one can find a rift open in the peak of the season, at the lowest point, sometimes deep below the surface of the earth. During this time, change comes swiftly, the riches of the wealthy often find their way to the poorer, those that don’t find that, often find their riches leaving the next year… People often jest about ‘Love’ being in the air, that one can find their ‘other half’ during this time. During this time, the effects of this rift aren’t that apparent, but all who have studied the effects find many bringing themselves closer to others and have also noted the same in nature.